A few weeks ago, I was watching a talk show about love, marriage and divorce. Although this is not a piece about marriage, one of the speakers said something that caught my attention and I thought I should share.
He said a lot of people enter marriage with wrong intentions. He mentioned that since marriage is an institution, it is important to have a vision before getting into it.

That was an interesting revelation for me because for many years my idea of marriage was about spending the rest of my life with the one I love.

Why was this so mind-blowing for me? Simply because I realised that for everything that we want to do in life, there must be a mental picture of the expected end. This is like having a puzzle picture and hundreds of scattered pieces; so every time we get stuck or want to quit, we ought to look back at the picture and continue building the puzzle.

Even though we find ourselves in what looks like impossible situations, our mental picture is meant to wake us up in the morning to put one more piece and encourage us not to give up.

However, I have also grown to learn that many of us find ourselves living life as it comes but that is dangerous because the bible tells us that where there is no vision, the people perish. And this is a powerful piece of scripture because a lot of people have aborted what could have been great businesses, projects, campaigns, and ministries because they did not have a vision.

And I love Chantal Bechervaise’s definition of vision…
She says, “Vision is the thing inside of us that guides us. It creates a desire to grow and improve. Vision embodies our hopes and ideals. It gives us a sense of purpose.”

So I challenge you today, to go back to the drawing board and begin to ‘pen your vision’ down, like this blog suggests.

Perhaps it is time to go back to our old diaries and journals and retrieve ideas we had- to touch the world, change circumstances, break norms and improve our environment- Look at those ideas, close your eyes and dream again.


About the Writer


Lethabo is a Jesus Girl. She has a passion for writing and she’s a collector of Christian and African literature. She loves and plays chess. An Online Reporter, with the hope to touch souls and make a positive impact in the society.